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Global forum addresses solutions to prevent premature deaths / 24.2.2010
24 FEBRUARY 2010 | GENEVA -- The first Global Forum of the Noncommunicable Disease Network (NCDnet) marks the first time WHO has convened key stakeholder groups to address the large-scale and increasing global health and development burden posed by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). More than 100 peop... Далее
WHO spearheads health response to earthquake in Haiti / 13.1.2010
13 JANUARY 2010 | GENEVA -- The severe earthquake that struck Haiti and the Dominican Republic has inflicted large-scale damage, including on hospitals and health facilities, and large numbers of casualties are feared. Immediate health priorities include: search and rescue of survivors trapped u... Далее
New HIV infections reduced by 17% / 24.11.2009
24 NOVEMBER 2009 | GENEVA | SHANGHAI -- According to new data in the 2009 AIDS epidemic update, new HIV infections have been reduced by 17% over the past eight years. Since 2001, when the United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS was signed, the number of new infections in sub-Saharan Afr... Далее
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Health news

14/09/2005 Obninsk is in center of attention of Ministry of Health and Social development.

Mihail Zurabov has visited Obninsk on September, 14. One of the most important investment projects is a construction of a new pharmaceutical plant called Hemofarm-Obninsk with production capacity of bln 1.5 tablets per year. The construction work will be finished at the beginning of 2006. The production line is fully corresponds to GMP standards. Starting from the spring of 2006 the plant will present its first medicines. The medicines will treat heart diseases, gastrointestinal disturbances and respiratory infections, vitamins and others.

The whole story is available in Russian.

14/09/2005 Salaries increase for doctors is planned in 2006 budget.

The salaries will be increased on 10 thousand rubles (that is about $350 per month) for doctors and nurses in 2006. This decision was accepted due to the President remark about the necessity of higher motivation and better proficiency of the doctors.
Today average salary for doctors is 5,5 thousand rubles per month. After the increase the salary will be about 15 thousand rubles (that is more than 500 dollars) per month.

The whole story is available in Russian.

13/09/2005 Объявлен международный конкурс проектов по экспериментальной онкологии

В целях выявления и интенсификации наиболее перспективных фундаментальных исследований в области онкологии Центр внедрения "Протек" и ГУ Российский онкологический научный центр им. Н.Н.Блохина объявляют международный конкурс проектов, посвященных изучению этиологии и молекулярных механизмов канцерогенеза, выяснению особенностей поведения опухолевых клеток и/или разработке на их основе принципиально новых методов профилактики, диагностики и лечения злокачественных новообразований.

Победителям конкурса будет предоставлено дополнительное финансирование для закупки оборудования, реактивов и оплаты труда членам исследовательских групп, работающим в ГУ РОНЦ им. Блохина в размере около 50,000 долларов в год на грант (общая сумма ежегодного финансирования - 350,000 долларов).

В конкурсе могут принимать участие российские и зарубежные исследователи, имеющие степень кандидата наук или ее зарубежный аналог (Ph.D., M.D). Обязательным условием получения гранта является трудоустройство в ГУ РОНЦ им. Блохина (победители, работавшие во время подачи заявки в других российских или зарубежных учреждениях, для получения гранта должны быть зачислены в штат ГУ РОНЦ им. Блохина на время исполнения проекта).

Рецензирование проектов осуществляется независимой экспертной комиссией, состоящей из зарубежных исследователей (сопредседатели - George R.Stark и Andrei V.Gudkov, США). Авторы заявок будут ознакомлены с рецензиями и оценками их проектов.

С формами написания заявок и их представления можно ознакомиться на веб-сайте ГУ РОНЦ им. Блохина и на Российском онкологическом сервере.

Срок подачи заявки - до 1 ноября 2005 г., планируемый срок объявления победителей - 15 декабря 2005 г.

n/a Life after insult

A law “On neurorehabilitation of the patients with hard implications after insult and craniocerebral injury” promulgated by the Ministry of Health has been published today.

Insults are not only a medical problem, but a social problem as well. Many people after the insults can not communicate to other people and even serve themselves.
There are 550, 000 insults and 600, 000 craniocerabral injuries in Russia every year. 30% of insulted people are men who are able to work.

WHO considers neurorehabititation is one of the most important problems. Obviously, there are a lot of patients who are highly interested in special service center to save their lives and neurorehabititation.

The whole story is available in Russian.

n/a Zurabov: Financing of health service in Russia is unsufficient.

Speaking in Duma, Zurabov mentioned that the sum of financing has been increased compared to 2004, but its share in GDP has been cut considerably.
The system of obligatory medical insurance has not solved the problem of insufficient financing. The major sums from the insurance stay in regions, where the salaries are rather high.

The whole story is available in Russian.

 Copyright  2002—2024, Federal Public Health Institute
 The project is funded by WHO/CIDA Health Care Policy and Stewardship Programme in Russia
 Developed in co-operation with the EU funded Tacis "North West Health Replication Project"